
Monday, February 7, 2011

Vesuvio and a Mental Vesuvius

I had my mind blown today.
Thank you Marché Saint Pierre!
Six floors of fabric heart hugs, organized by usage, then by weave, and lastly by fiber content. I have no doubt that if God knows me at all (and he does)there have to be places like this in Heaven.

And then it was like God whispered "I love your broke-ass college soul more than you know." and I found the discount store across the street that sells the offcuts from the big store! totally unorganized and a mess but so so beautiful.

What could make a day like this better? Nothing, one might think; well one would be false. Shopping on the Rue de Rennes that's what! Because of time constraints I was only able to make it to the bigger department stores like H&M and Zara and they were kind of let downs. As cute as their stuff is I find it kind of poorly made and left wondering who made it, trendspotting was fun though! I'm currently praying treggings don't make appearances west.
I found a hair store (and I don't mean a shampoo section at the grocery store) I mean a "hair like mine" hair store which I was worried about finding and had contented myself to going to the dodgy HLM sections of Paris to find one. Lucky for me Paris is so diverse that merchants don't have to resort to geographic stereotyping to choose store locations like they do in the States.
Like a cherry on the proverbial top, a stop to La Brioche Doree. A chain of little deli cafes and bakeries. I got the Sandwich Vesuvio; Fromage Chevre, Marinated Tomatoes and Vesuvio sauce for the most tantalizing thing I've eaten here thus far! I couldn't hear anything for the taste bud applause that was going on in my mouth.

There are no days in life so memorable as those which vibrated to some stroke of imagination - Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. ha! i LOVE it! just a little different from atlas huh? :)-SR

  2. Hey I posted a comment to this. . . or at least I thought I did. It went like this: Hey, your sister gave me the link to your blog! Hope you don't mind, but if you do, you can take it up with her! LOL! I love your posts! Very funny! I have had many of the same thoughts but with slight modifications (usually not having to do with clothes). It is nice to get to "hear" someone else with "crazy" thoughts! Have fun in Paris!

  3. Sheila, I'm glad you have been introduced to the chaos that is my brain, feel free to share my blog with whoever. Sometimes I check it to see what strange things I've posted, then I realize that it's my blog so I have to post them...
