
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Subconscious Showdown

I had the most interesting conversation about lucid dreams and what dreams mean. As many of you know dreams are the best thing since string cheese. I was quite skeptical of the concept, being aware during your dreams and controlling what happens to create a sort of alternate reality, not only because it sounds sort of Matrixy (I guess the opposite of the Matrix really, more like Inception I suppose) but also because I am roughly 60% of the time aware that I'm dreaming in my dreams and can control the outcome, if not directly than through a sort of reset-rewind type feature.
My subconscious decided it would be funny to let me in on the secret and last night I had a truly strange lucid dream:
There were tents...everywhere! It was someone's wedding and it seemed someone had gone overboard on the Arabian Nights theme.
They were all connected and of varying heights, some were so low you had to stoop and in others you had to crane your neck to see the top.
I thought to myself, how cool would it be if there was fabric draped from this particularly large tent in all the colors of the rainbow, and fabric just appeared, it then disappeared and then appeared again!
Then I realized I was dreaming and thought it might be cool to test myself. In real life I could never hope to touch the tops of some of these tents with a fifty foot pole so I reached up and the tent came bending down to touch my fingertips in a sort of subconscious fist bump.
I admit I got a little excited to be able to manipulate the things around me, I got theatrical and threw my hands in a magician's type wave across the ceiling. Fabric came shooting out my fingers and decorated the tent! Even though this was happening it lacked depth and the changes I'd made would flicker and be there and then gone and then there again. Strange.
There were lots of other more boring things that happened in the dream. A girl, Margaret and I exchanged skirts and shoes to help her with her self esteem then I lost her and my skirt and had to run down rows and rows of skirts and dresses to try and find her. I did, she tried to add me on facebook...denied!
My dreams, if nothing else, help me put in perspective a comparison of this life I'm in now to eternity.Blurry, flickering now to clear, crisp undeniable forever.

"We are asleep, our life is a dream. But we wake up sometimes, just enough to know that we are dreaming." - Ludwig Wittgenstein

It sounds super deep, but should we really trust someone named Ludwig? I prefer:

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12


  1. Love your post! Very philosophical and I love that you related it to 1 Corinthians! I've been having some really cool dreams, but I don't always remember them. I sometimes wake up and think: "Wow, that was cool! I need to remember that." But then the next morning I have a hard time remembering. I think I need to start a "dream" journal?

  2. Sometimes I have to say it outloud when I wake up or tell it to someone. The details get clearer upon a verbal retelling, then I write it down. Dream journals are the best!

  3. Calli, I love that you referenced 1 Cor as well, I've been thinking on that verse a lot lately, and finding a lot of hope in it, especially as I tend to get frustrated sometimes when I don't get it, or can't worship etc in a more holy sense... if that makes any sense at all. I just love you and your dreams. I've never thought of trying to control them. Honestly I've had several disturbing dreams lately that I won't go into detail.
