
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's been awhile...

Since I posted, Since I've felt like posting, but mostly since I've dreamed.
I consider it very indicative of my sleep schedule when I don't dream, The more sleep I get the better and more vivid my dreams are.
The last four nights I've had great sleep and thus really great dreams.
I had a dream that I had a tree, it was my tree and nobody else's. I discovered it in the back room of my favorite fabric store when shopping for fabric (or I was hiding from the police, I can't remember which) it was a forest of trees in that fabric store and they were part of a subset of many forests of many trees, each individual tree belonged to an individual person.
Sometimes I wonder how I know these things, they weren't explained to me in the dream and there aren't usually footnotes to go with dreams, although I would love to meet someone with footnoted and/or indexed dreams. You just know, just like right now I just know that I want to eat a croissant, no one has to tell me that and no one has to tell me where they are, I just know. (bad example?)
Anyway, I found my tree, and was devastated to discover that it was infested with a personality altering golden ladybug. This insect prayed on the trees of people (read: personalities of...) and change the very basis of who they were.
I couldn't bring myself to squash the bugs, they were just too pretty, and it was then that I noticed other bugs on other peoples trees. Blueberry ladybugs, they were blue. Tiger
beetles, were huge beetles the size of my hand (which is probably a lot bigger than yours), were made of plastic and were orange with black strips (they almost looked like a sippy cup you might find at the bottom of a Frosted Flakes box). On many occasions the Tiger Beetle wore giant Blueberry Bugs on their heads as hats and posed a double threat to the personality trees.
I didn't know how to stop this epidemic, I still don't know what I should have done and feel a little guilty for not doing anything. But the police arrived shortly after and I had to run...

I've since learned that what I thought was a golden ladybug was actually a golden tortoise beetle. Would you have crushed this beautiful bug just to save your personality?

1 comment:

  1. holy cow! Thanks for finding out about these beetles. They are currently astounding me! And your dreams read like marvelous story books for children. Best of luck with your designs.
