
Saturday, December 25, 2010


I can't remember where I was but it was beautiful. Cobblestones paving a large courtyard decorated in every color of the rainbow. There was a tent, at times; not throughout the dream, as dreams often go, but it came and went like the mud on the street that was there on my shoes and then not.
I'd come to see my designs walk down the runway and it was to be a surprise, even to me. You see the fashion show I was attending was one my subconscious had put on without my knowledge and that I and my assistant had been invited to at the last minute.
That's how my subconscious works you see, often times it goes on journeys, adventures and all manner of fun filled excursions without me and I merely get a postcard on a Thursday afternoon informing me of the grand old time it's been having on it's own. I'm often surprised by this brazen behavior on the part of my subconscious, but really, what's one to do?
I'd apparently been quite busy inventing the two person umbrella, created specifically for the assistant who must hold an umbrella over your head and keep their hair perfectly coiffed simultaneously (and my assistants hair was always perfectly coiffed) and everyone was congratulating me on my ingeniousness.
The show began and what a show it was, streamers everywhere and designs such that a pageant girl would feel under-bedazzled, my models did not strut down the runway they floated, ran, danced, and twirled down the runway. I can't remember ever seeing a models face and I'm not sure whether my subconscious simply couldn't be bothered to provide them or whether they were covered by something. A likelihood given that the silhouettes rarely resembled anything remotely apparel like in their form, function, or feel. They were more like Koi fish human babies that fell into a color blocking party and then were promptly attacked by ravenous piranha piƱatas dressed in drag. I felt like my eyes were ingesting a drunk fruit salad.
The show was over and my dazed assistant leaned in to whisper that we had other engagements and another line to design. I think my next line will be based on the bright pink origami satin jacket I wore, hopefully my subconscious doesn't get to it first.

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